Workers’ compensation rules


Q. I have been an 1811 status (federal agent) federal employee for 16 years. I have been on leave without pay and receiving workers’ compensation for the past year due to an on-the-job injury.

I have received little if any guidance from my agency’s HR, as the representatives admit they have little or no experience with workers’ comp.

What should I do to maintain the best possible benefits for me and my family if this becomes a long-term/permanent situation and I am not able to return to work? And if I can return to work, how would the time on workers’ comp affect my retirement benefits etc.?

What survivor benefits will my spouse have if I die while on workers’ comp?

A. To find out the relationship between workers’ compensation and disability retirement, go to

To learn more about benefits available exclusively under workers’ compensation, you’ll have to check with OWCP.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to

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