Browsing: unused sick leave

Q: In reading your article on key dates for federal retirement in the Oct. 4 issue of Federal Times, you say that “CSRS employees get full credit for unused sick leave.” I am eligible to retire by age and years under the Civil Service Retirement System, but have been told that only increments of 174 hours of sick leave will be “rolled” into my retirement calculation.  A: At retirement, any days and hours of actual service that don’t add up to a full month are added to any hours of unused sick leave. To provide retirees with 12 equal monthly payments,…

Q: From Oct. 28, 2009, to Dec. 31, 2013, half of of sick leave may be credited toward retirement time. Is that correct? If so, does a Federal Employees Retirement System employee who retires in that window receive payment for the other half of the unused sick leave, or is it just lost? Do FERS retirees receive full payment for unused vacation time? A: Any FERS employee retiring between now and Dec. 31, 2013, will only receive credit for half of his unused sick leave. The rest is lost. After that date, full credit will be given. All employees, whether…

Q: I understand that under the Civil Service Retirement System, we can use unused sick leave toward federal service time that is used to determine the amount of time considered under the CSRS retirement pay formula.  Also, I understand that under CSRS, the maximum time allowed is 42 years, which translates to 80 percent of the average salary in a worker’s “high-3” years. My questions are, if someone is covered by CSRS, if they add up their military and civil service time and get 42 years, can unused sick leave be added to the 42 years to get more than…

Q. I plan on retiring Jan. 31, 2014 with one year of sick leave available. My age will be 56 with 30 years civil service. Under FERS this will count to my annuity at the 100 percent rate. My question is, what will get me the most bang-for-the-buck, start using a lot of sick leave or going straightt for the annuity? A. This is mother speaking: “Son, it’s attitudes like yours that give federal employees a bad name.” Sick leave may only be used for approved purposes. Using it just because you want to, whether for financial or other reasons, is a violation…

Q: If you retire with annual leave and restored leave accumulated, will you get paid for your restored leave as well as your annual leave? A: You will receive a lump sum payment for any unused annual leave you have to your credit when you retire.

Q: I plan to retire in 2014, at which time I will be 67. I should have approximately 26 years of service. How much income will I receive once I retire? What percentage of my sick leave will be calculated as part of my retirement package? Will I be paid for any vacation time that I have on the books upon my retirement? Can I keep the life insurance I have or will it be reduced? If there is a reduction, what would be the total dollar value of my life insurance? A: Based on your age (over 60) and…

Q. I have five years. If I get another job, can I dump my sick leave in the TSP? I don’t want to lose all my hours, that’s not fair to me and the many people who do their work and not call in sick. A. No, you can’t. Sick leave has no cash value.

Q: I am aware that there is some support to propose legislation this year to pay federal employees for unused sick leave by depositing the money into one’s TSP. Is there any further support for this and has anything been proposed in this arena? I believe Rep. Stephen Lynch, D-Mass., had said that he would introduce legislation to pay federal employees for unused sick and annual pay at retirement by having it deposited to your TSP. Do you have any current information in reference to this matter? A: I have found no evidence that Lynch did anything more than talk…

Q: I will be 63 years old at the end of this year. I anticipate retiring under the Civil Service Retirement System on Dec. 31, 2010, with a Service Computation Date of March 1977. If I have 800 hours of unused sick leave by then, at what point this year can I start terminal leave from work and have these 800 hours calculated into my annuity payments? A: Unused sick leave is credited on the day you retire and used in the calculation of an annuity. Note: I’m unaware of any provision in law that would provide terminal leave for…

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