Browsing: medical retirement

Q. I was on active duty for over 11 years and then received a medical retirement in June. I received a 90 percent Veterans Affairs Department disability rating. I have received a job offer in the VA health care system based on the training and experience that I received on active duty. 1. Can I receive leave accrual credit for my active-duty time? What is the pertinent section of the U.S. Code that deals with this? 2. Any other benefits that are transferable?

Q. I had a retirement date of Jan. 3, 2014, but have developed some health problems and may need to go out earlier or use my 17 weeks of sick leave, which would take me to the same date. Would it behoove me to use up the sick leave or go out two to three months earlier with the sick leave in tact? I will have 35 years, eight months and 13 days if I go out on Jan. 3, 2014.

Q. I am a federal employee (25 years) under FERS. Can my employer (deputy of our division) send me an email, requesting that I consider medical retirement due to my heart condition? It goes without saying that I have days that I need to telework (he doesn’t like that), and/or be on leave due my illness.