Browsing: Windfall elimination provision

Q. I retired under CSRS at the age of 62, with 40 years of service (military included) and I paid back my military Social Security. I am currently 65 with 38 minimum quarters of Social Security. Would it benefit me to work two additional quarters to draw Social Security, or would the WEP eliminate any Social Security to which I would be entitled?

Q. I did not buy back my military time. I was in the Army from 1974 to 1977. I retired from USPS under CSRS, and I was given credit for my military time. When I retired, I had 34 credits toward Social Security. At 62, I did not have 40 quarters toward Social Security. I will be 64 this month, and my part-time job has put me over 40 quarters. I was told that the computation from OPM is one time at 62 and since I did not qualify for Social Security my pension will not be reduced. Is that correct and…

The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) affects the Social Security benefits paid to anyone who is eligible for an annuity from a retirement system where he or she didn’t pay Social Security taxes. As a result, most Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) employees who retire and are also eligible for a Social Security benefit will have a different computational formula used to calculate that benefit. The same is true of Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) retirees who have a CSRS component in their annuities. If the WEP applies to you, you’ll only receive a full Social Security benefit if you have…

Q. I will be 62 this month. I am a federal retiree and receive approximately $3,200 gross for my monthly annuity. My Social Security statement says I would receive $1,221 per month. I was a civil service offset employee as I had previous civil service from 1971 to 1975. I returned to federal employment in January 1987 and retired in January 2014. Will I be able to collect the whole $1,221 in Social Security benefits, or will it be reduced by the GPO? I’m confused because I’m reading about federal pensions and no Social Security was paid. I therefore paid…

Q. I was in the Air Force from 1970 to 1974, then worked as a federal employee until July 1999, when I took a reduction in force with penalty and early retirement. In 1983 when FERS was formed, I stayed in CSRS and was told if I bought my military time back, my Social Security would not be affected. In reality, I took a large penalty from CSRS and due to the windfall elimination provision, I lost all Social Security but $264 per month. I think I have 42 quarters paid in. I bought back my military time (basically the…

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