Browsing: military

Q. I have a question regarding adding sick leave to complete partial months of creditable federal service. I’m a federal law enforcement agent with over 20 years of Federal Employees Retirement System time and am over 50 years old.  My service computation date is April 22, 1985, which means as of Dec. 22, 2011, I had 26 years, eight months of service, including military time. By Dec. 31, I’d have nine extra days of service that will be lost because the Office of Personnel Management only recognizes years and full months. I want to add sick leave days to complete a…

Q. I worked as a WG-10 for the Air Force from November 1985 to July 2000, after fours years of active duty. I already rolled over my Thrift Savings Plan 401(k). I was under the Federal Employees Retirement System, but I remember contributing a small amount each pay period toward retirement. Where can I find out what benefits I will receive and when I am eligible to collect? A. Assuming that you didn’t get a refund of your retirement contributions, at age 62 you could apply for a deferred annuity. It would be computed using the following formula: 0.01 x…

Q. I previously worked for the federal government (CSRS, full time) from 1966 to 1969. I quit civil service for college, and then went active duty from 1976 to 1979. The private sector did not work for me, so I went back to federal civil service in May 1983 (CSRS, full time). My service computation date showed at March 1977, I plan to retire in March 2012 (I would be 65 years old) and I will not be eligible for Social Security benefits. Would I have to make a redeposit of my military service (1976-79) in order for those three…

Q. After five years in the Navy from 1987 to 1992, I got out and worked for the U.S. Postal Service for two years (1993-94). I then returned to active-duty Navy. I have more than 20 years of military service and am thinking about retiring. Will the two years I worked for the USPS count toward federal retirement or at least active federal service? A. Your civilian service isn’t creditable toward your years of military service. Further, since you had fewer than five years of civilian service, you wouldn’t be eligible for any civilian retirement benefit. If you didn’t receive a refund of your retirement…

Q. I am a full-time Air National Guard technician. I have decided to retire from the military after 22 years of service. I have only 10 years as a full-time federal technician under the FERS system. In order for me to keep my full-time position, I must be in the Air National Guard. After my military retirement, I will have to resign my full-time position. Will I be eligible for unemployment benefits? A. The rules for unemployment compensation vary from state to state. You’ll have to check with your own state’s unemployment office.

Q: I’m a dual-status federal/military technician in the Air National Guard. I have eight years of active duty with the remainder in the ANG for a combined total of just more than 20 years of military service. I’m going before a medical board because of service-connected disabilities (VA rated at 70 percent). Soon after the board, I will be separated from the ANG and retire from my technician position on FERS disability. Assuming my military disability rating will come back at 30 percent or more, will I be eligible for immediate concurrent receipt of all military disability pay, VA disability…

Q: I retired from the Air Force as an air traffic controller in 2001, with 20 years and 29 days. I was hired by the FAA under the Phoenix 20 program in 2006. In June of 2012 I’ll turn 56 and probably have to retire due to the age restriction, (I’m requesting a waiver). I have enough sick leave to complete six years with the agency. I’m under the FERS retirement plan and I have a couple of questions. I’m planning to buy back my 20 years and 29 days of military service. Will my 20 years of military service…

Q: I was hired three years ago as a FERS technician for a Georgia National Guard facility. I worked the first two years, then the Guard unit activated and I deployed under Title 10 as active duty for last year. I bought back my active time from prior to being hired as a technician. My total time of creditable service then is 15 years, only the last three after being hired as a FERS employee. Do I qualify for a deferred retirement? I understand it would be a reduced amount. A recap: I have 12 years active time (bought back…

Q: How can I get a copy of National Guard discharge papers? A: Unfortunately, we are only qualified to answer questions about federal civilian benefits. You might try going to and clicking on the words “Contact Us” in the upper right-hand corner. Alternatively, you could go through your local phone book and call the nearest National Guard Armory.

Q. Several weeks ago, I sent a request for information regarding the offset, if any, when I retire from civil service.  I served in the Army National Guard from June 1956 through February 1959. I was drafted into the Army on March 4, 1959, until Feb. 28, 1961. I then enlisted in the Army in March 1961 and retired April 30, 1979. I entered into employment by the federal government Sept. 12, 1980. My wife and I both draw Social Security benefits. I will be retiring Dec. 31, 2011, and need to know what offset I or my wife will experience. Will I…

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