Q. How is our individual FERS special retirement supplement rate calculated?
Browsing: Special retirement supplement
Q. Is the special retirement supplement for FERS retirees still available in 2018-2019? I’m looking to retire November 2019 with 30 years at 59 years old.
Q. If a FERS employee buys back his active duty time in the military, why isn’t that time included when determining his special retirement supplement?
Q. I’m a retired federal employee at 58 years with 30 years. When I retired the information I received was if I went to work, I was limited to making $15,000 a year before losing my Social Security supplement. Is that still the correct answer?
Q. When is the special retirement supplement payable to a retiree and when is it not?
Q. I have been retired for two-and-a-half years. I am receiving the Special Retirement Supplement and just turned 61 years old in July. I understand that I can only earn so much a year before my SRS is effected. However, since this is my last year of SRS, can I earn as much as I want since after July 2019 it will be cut off, or will I have to pay monies back if I exceed the earning limits?
Q. Will buying back military time also increase my FERS supplement?
Q. With an annuity computation date of 8-13-88 is there any reason why a retirement date of 8-17-18, i.e., not working till the end of the month, would somehow cause trouble with qualifying for the special retirement supplement?
Q. I retired on a disability from a law enforcement position at the age of 47, and I always thought that I would be able to get the SRS from the age of 57 until 62. However, the Office of Personnel Management said no. Is this correct?
Q. Does a federal employee have to complete a standard form in order to receive the FERS supplement? Or does the Office of Personnel Management automatically calculate the amount along with their voluntary retirement annuity?