Q. My husband retired in December 2016. He has been receiving his FERS non-disability annuity plus the special annuity until he turns 62, which was a few days ago. He was also just approved for Social Security Disability Insurance and will receive a lump sum for all of 2017. Will this lump sum affect the special annuity he already received, since it does have an earnings limit? In other words, will he have to pay it back?

Q. I have read conflicting views on whether the Voluntary Separation Incentives Payments (VSIPs) and annual leave payments are subject to the earnings test. Other sites report under Office of Personnel Management rules monies you earn in the year in which you retire are not subject. Does this mean if I retire in March and lump sum payment for annual leave and a VSIP is paid that year, it does not count against my supplement?

Q. I’m 66 with 18 years continuous service plus two-year military service, which I paid into FERS in order to get it credited. I had 20 years under FERS when I was 53 already. I’ve worked in the private sector since. I understand the computation of the monthly benefits (@$95K x 20 years x 1.1%), but am not clear on what will happen with the FERS compensation (if any) from 62 to 66. Will the Office of Personnel Management pay this as a lump sum or calculate it into the impending payments or have I forfeited those years?

Q. I’m a CSRS Offset retiree. If I don’t file for Social Security at age 62, my annuity will be offset (reduced) at the age of 62. It is my understanding that I can continue to work and not be subject to the Social Security income limitation, correct?

Q. I resigned from the Department of Veterans Affairs in 2015 to pursue a new career in the private sector, but am now unemployed. Being born with profound hearing loss – both ears – I just found out I should qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance. If approved, can I apply for FERS disability? I’m 53 with 28 years federal service.

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