Q. If I go out on FERS Disability Retirement, will my monthly check drop when I reach my retirement age from $3,200-plus a month to whatever I’m entitled to based upon my years under FERS?
Browsing: Disability retirement
Q. I am a FERS employee, eligible for early retirement due to 25 years on the job, but I am only 58 years old, so do not qualify for Social Security. Therefore, I am still working. Meanwhile, I would like to apply for Social Security Disability [SSDI]. If I am turned down, I understand I may qualify for FERS disability retirement. Also, would I still be eligible to get my Social Security benefits at age 62? Can I continue to work until I am approved for FERS disability?
Q. I have applied for medical retirement from civil service and am still awaiting for decision from the Office of Personnel Management. If I submitted a letter of resignation before my medical retirement is approved, will this affect my medical retirement approval process? In simpler terms, will this cancel out my medical retirement?
Q. I am presently a FERS employee who is 63 years old with a total of 18 years of service. Do I qualify for disability retirement?
Q. Although I’m a FERS disability retiree, I have applied for a full-time job under NAF. Can I do this legally? I am willing to not receive my disability pay, as little as it is, and my doctor said I can work with no problems.
Q. I am under FERS disability retirement with 23 years of service at age 49. I was told by the Office of Personnel Management that at age 62, my 23 years would be bumped up to 32 years — the difference between when I left and when I turn 62. So would it bump up my FERS retirement at age 62? Is this correct that it would be reconfigured at a higher annuity?
Q. I work for the U.S. Postal service and I’m applying for disability retirement. Re: the high 3 year average. ,y pay rate is $58,350 for 2017. For the last 3 or 4 years I’ve been using LWOP a lot and my yearly income has hovered around $40,000 a year. Do they use my pay rate of $58,350 (it was around $58,000 for 3 consecutive years) or do they use the $40,000 figure to arrive at the 3 year average? In other words, would LWOP effect my disability retirement income? Thanks for any help.
Q. I applied and received Social Security and OPM disability retirement because I needed an organ transplant. After my transplant, my doctor said I am recovered and can return to my former position at the U.S. Postal Service. Once Social Security and OPM stop my disability checks, is my agency obligated to return me to duty?
Q. I have worked since I was 14. I am now just about to turn 50. I have been a hard worker during my life and my body just cannot take it anymore. I have made between $30 and $110,000 a year. My wife works and makes decent money. What are my options? I have not worked for the last two years.
Q. As a police officer, I was disabled in the line of duty. I retired on disability pension after 21 years. The pension falls under the Windfall Elimination Provision. I do not have 40 quarters of Social Security. Am I entitled to Medicare Part A?