Browsing: FERS

Did you work under either Civil Service Retirement System or Federal Employees Retirement System, leave government, withdraw your retirement contributions, and then come back to work for the government? If you did, when you retire your annuity will be reduced unless you redeposit that money, plus accrued interest. Should you make that redeposit or not? I’ll help you find the answer that fits your situation by explaining who is eligible for an actuarial reduction and how to find out whether that reduction is a better deal than making a redeposit. First, let me spell out the redeposit rules. CSRS and…

Q. With the Social Security supplement for FERS employees, I know there is an income limit at which this phases out. Is this income limit based on what you actual earn, or is it taxable income? For example, could I work and earn $20,000 and put that into my 401(k) plan, thus giving me no taxable income for the year, and still get my Social Security supplement up to age 62?

Q. I’m a FERS employee and have three years before a full retirement. I have been detailing into an EAS 17 position for 120 days at a time with a two week separation each time due to contract rules. Will my higher detail base pay count toward my average high-3?

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