Browsing: High-3

Q. I worked second shift for 18 years and was forced on day shift a little over a year ago. I understand my high-3 will be determined when I worked swing shift. How do they arrive at the swing shift high-3 figures when I’m working day shift at the present time? I had a lot of overtime pay, as well, so how does the Office of Personnel Management separate the overtime from the second-shift wages?

Q. I am retiring in January with 36 years in. The last 6 were part time (20 hours per week). Looks like they are using my high-3 from the last three (part-time) years. After 36 years in CSRS, I’m getting basically 50 percent or less! You mentioned some court case where CSRS was found unlawful and they are using FERS calculations. Could you give me specifics so I can look up that case?

Q. Can you explain how high-3 works? Yesterday I went to the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center to get an understanding of where my retirement is (I’m eligible in 2019). I always thought high-3 was the average of the three highest pay years. Yesterday, the rep said I was misinformed, the high-3 is the average of the highest, lowest and middle pay I’ve earned during my career. She confused me even more when she said that the government will be going to a high-5, causing my retirement to be even smaller. Can you clarify?

Q. I worked for the Department of Justice from 1989 to 2003 under FERS. I have worked in the private sector since that time. I will be 62 in 2015, at which time I think I qualify for a retirement annuity. Can I do all of the following: 1. Receive a FERS annuity based on my high-3 salary; 2. Continue to be employed in the private sector; and 3. Leave my Thrift Savings Plan money where it is for now. Is there any reason not to do this, or any value in deferring this? My impression is that the annuity…

Q. I have approximately 12 years as an 1811 and am considering leaving the covered position for another position within the federal government with no special provisions. I understand if I do that, the time spent in the noncovered position is calculated at standard rate, but when/if I retire under traditional FERS coverage, will my first 12 years as a law enforcement officer be calculated at the LEO rate and then the rest at the standard rate? So will my retirement be calculated in a sort of hybrid mix of FERS LEO and regular FERS?

Q. I separated from federal service in 2007 after 19 years in FERS. At the time of separation, I withdrew my Thrift Savings Plan contributions. I am considering returning to federal service. I was born in 1961. If I return to federal service, what will be my minimum retirement age? Are there special service requirements for reinstated federal employees? Am I required to return funds I withdrew from the TSP? If not required, is it still possible to return TSP funds that were withdrawn and deposited in another 401(k)? How will my FERS retirement annuity be calculated? Where can I…

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