Browsing: Resignation

Q. I’m a Defense Department civilian employee. Is it possible to cash out some of my annual leave for cash? If not, is there a written guideline or directive that states this? As a contractor, I was able to cash out some of my annual leave, and that was a nice option.

Q. I am a FERS employee with eight years of federal service. I plan to end my employment next June with nine years of service at the age of 61½ years. I hope to apply for a deferred retirement when I turn 62 in January 2015 and want to make sure I am eligible. I also assume that the computation of my annuity is done using the high-3 pay figure x roughly 9 percent?

Q. I became eligible for MRA +10 on May 14. I resigned June 1. I turned 60 on Aug. 1. I will not apply for my retirement annuity until I turn 62. I was told that I can apply for an annuity when I turn 62 on Aug. 1, 2015 and that, at that time, I am also eligible for federal government insurance. Is this correct? Additionally, if it is correct, what do federal retirees pay for health insurance in 2013 (Blue Cross/Blue Shield self-only). I realize that the price will be different in 2015.

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