Q. If I’m approved for FERS disability retirement and I’m also accepted for Social Security Disability Insurance, would I be able to work part-time in the civilian work force, or is there no working allowed at all?
Q. As a federal employee, how will my insurances and leave accrual be impacted if I go part-time? If I stay employed in a part-time status, will my service years accrue year-for-year or will it be prorated based on hours worked?
Q. Is it true that retired military can be eligible for a U.S. Post Office retirement benefit with as little as 10 years of service?
Q. I have around 13 years active Army and three years Army National Guard time total. I was a sergeant when I separated in October 2011 from the Army. I just accepted a position at the U.S. Postal Service. How much will it cost me to buy back my military time, or is it even worth it? Would that mean I now would have 13-16 years with the post office counting toward my retirement? Does buying time back do anything for your new or current pay grade in a federal job? Does it count toward leave accruals?
Q. I’m not sure I’m tracking with the explanations of how part-time employment impacts retirement. I plan to retire at age 62 with 10 years of government service. I may have an opportunity to forego retirement and work three days per week with the same agency. If I choose to accept that offer, how will it impact my retirement?
Q. I retired on July 1 of this year after 42 years. I decided I would rather work. Will I return at the same level?
Q. I am a FERS retiree and I just went back to work as a contractor. They are telling me that I have to purchase their insurance because BCBS is not an employer health care program. I told them I’m retired and have BCBS for life and pay premiums. If I have to pay for their company insurance, I will be paying over $600 a month in premiums. Is there anything I can do about this?
Q. I am a dentist starting with the Federal Bureau of Prisons at age 43 with an age exemption. I have approximately 10 years of military years to buy back. If the mandatory retirement age of the BOP is 57, how can I retire from an agency in 20 years at age 63, add my military 10 years for a total of 30 years, and still receive the law enforcement 1.7 percent retirement calculation?
Q. I worked for the National Labor Relations Board (FERS) for four years and left to work with California MTA and California Department of Justice (CalPers). Do either of those California state agencies have reciprocity with the federal government? If no, would I be able to purchase the 1 year left to vest in FERS?
Q. When is the special retirement supplement payable to a retiree and when is it not?