Browsing: part-time

Q. I am a Postal Service CSRS employee with 41 years and 11 months of service. I will retire soon, never switched to FERS. The first two years were a part time job called “Postal Assistant,” requiring me to be a college student. The job allowed me to work a 16-hour week (Saturday and Sunday). My paychecks indicated an hourly wage rather than salary. A recent USPS computer-generated annuity estimate indicates those years as creditable but unfunded service. I have never made a deposit toward that time. The annuity estimate provided does not account for an annuity reduction due to…

Q. I thought Congress passed a bill last year that allowed federal employees, who were close to retirement, to continue working for their agencies on a part-time basis. I thought each agency was supposed to come up with a plan tailored to its own employees. I work for the Department of Labor and have yet to see such a plan. I’m eligible for retirement now but would not mind working part time for a couple more years. I’ve talked to management and to the union, but no one seems to know what is happening with the part-time initiative. Do you…

Q. I have recently retired under the Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay program. I know that if I accept a job with a government agency, direct supporting, or a personal services contractor, Obama wants his money back. Can you please tell me how I can find out if the company that wants me to work for them (no benefits, part time) fits into either one of these categories? This company is not on a government installation, but it does supply the government with its products. I would be working for a company that is contracted to this company for security.

Q. I am a retired pure CSRS employee working part time as a rehired annuitant with no annuity offset. I am coming to the end of my third year. When I first began working, HR was not taking out FICA. Two years ago, HR said it had been told at some payroll class that it should be taking out FICA, so it started doing so. About 12 months later, HR sent a demand letter for the FICA it had failed to collect in the beginning. I filled an appeal immediately and have heard nothing. Three of us here are in…

Q. I am a FERS retiree on a discontinued service retirement/involuntary because my agency was closed in 2012. I have applied and will interview for a permanent part-time economic assistant position with the Department of Labor. I’m trying to determine: 1) Will I remain retired if I get and take this permanent part-time position? 2) Can I receive my full annuity and this part-time salary, or is my salary reduced? 3) If my salary is reduced, how do I calculate the reduction? 4) What other benefits are there of taking a part-time position in my case? For example, how much…

Q. I am 57, have worked for the Postal Service for 26 years, qualified for minimum retirement age last July. What circumstances for retirement would entitle me to the special retirement supplement to be paid until I am age 62? In September 2014, my office hours will be reduced to six per day and my wages will be cut. Will I be offered a reduction in force so I can retire with a supplement at that time? Or will I just have to take a cut in pay and a cut in hours and not be considered a postmaster anymore?

Q. I retired under full CSRS (none offset) in January 2010 with 35 years’ federal service as a GS 14/10. I am 59 and don’t have the 40 credits required to receive Social Security benefits when I turn 62. Is it worth it to take a part-time job just to get my 40 credits in, or will there be a reduction to my federal retirement that will hurt more than it will help? I haven’t earned very much in the private sector — just a few years before I became a CSRS employee in 1977, including the time I served…

Q. 1. I left the Fed in November 2011 with 22 years of creditable service (military time buyback included) and, as I am under my MRA of 56, would not be eligible for my retirement benefits without penalty until age 62, correct? 2. Can I work part time (consultant) on an agency’s payroll without affecting my current status, or would that part time add to my benefit? 3. Also, if I came back to the Fed and did three more years of full-time work before age 62, would that reinstate my health benefits?

Q. I’m a rural mail carrier and am wondering if I would qualify for an early out when/if offered. My duty date is April 1984 (29 years), but I was hired as a sub (rural carrier associate) and didn’t become regular until 1990, so my retirement computation date is January 1990 (23 years). But I recently turned 49, so I would need 25 years of service to retire under an early out because I am under age 50. I would have 25 years in if the counting period included my sub years. Are my years of service calculated from when…

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