Q. My father worked for the Postal Service for 42 years and retired in 2005. He passed away from cancer in March 2013. Before his death, he left instructions to contact federal retirement (CSRS) to file a claim to acquire his retirement benefits. He has four grown children, and there are no other beneficiaries. Retirement was contacted and we were mailed four applications for CSRS death benefits (SF 2800), to be filled out by each of us to apply and receive his remaining retirement contribution to be dispersed four ways. All four of us recently received a final statement of…
Browsing: taxes
Q. I just retired from federal service with 23 years plus four years military bought back. I am starting a job with the Teachers Retirement System of Texas, in which I do not pay into Social Security. How will this affect my Social Security benefits later, when I start to take them? Let me ask two examples: 1. I am 51 now. If I choose to work for TRS for 12 years, retire and take a partial retirement from TRS (vested after five years) along with my FERS retirement, and then want to start taking Social Security payments at, say,…
Q. Will I be able to receive survivor benefits based on my deceased husband’s Social Security benefit? I am a retired government employee.
Q. I understand that the first 20 years for law enforcement officer annuity computations are as follows: .017 x your high-3 x 20 years. The remaining years would be computed using the standard formula: .01 x your high-3 x all years over 20. Are the annuity computations for LEO before taxes or after taxes?
Q. On a recent post: “Are the health care premiums taxed once we retire if we retire with law enforcement officer retirement?” You responded: There is a $3,000 deduction available for law enforcement officers. Where can I obtain more information about the deduction?
Q. When I retire, I will have 36 years under CSRS. I have tried reading on the tax-free annuity part on the 1099-R. I will fall under the simplified method, and the chart for me shows a $310-a-month figure. I multiply this by 12 to get my tax-free annuity figure. What do I subtract this off of, and what will it do for me?
Q. Are the health care premiums taxed once we retire if we retire with law enforcement officer retirement?
Q. I am a CSRS employee who started with the Postal Service in 1981. However, I worked in a supermarket before the USPS and worked for the union for the past six years. For both of those other jobs, I have paid and still am paying Social Security. I have heard the expression of “having enough quarters” for Social Security retirement. What does that mean, and how many quarters are needed?
Q. Federal worker was separated from service Nov. 30 pursuant to Office of Personnel Management disability determination. Worker is completely disabled. The worker’s pay for 2013 exceeds the Social Security limit. Agency fails to pay accrued leave promptly. Leave is paid in 2014. Would Social Security be deducted?
Q. I am a Defense Department FERS civilian. There’s a chance that where I am may offer a voluntary early retirement with an incentive of up to $25,000. If I decide to do an early retirement and receive up to $25,000, can I add that money onto my annuity?