Q. I am fully eligible and plan to retire within the next 12 to 24 months. I have heard Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments are under consideration for my agency. I am also a Type 2 Wildland Fire team member and will continue to work fires after I retire. Will the money I earn as “active duty” retired federal employee during the summers have an impact on the VSIP buyout requiring repayment?

Q. I have a government pension and will be retiring in the next couple of years. I understand that my pension will be subject to federal and state taxes. I also have 20-21 years full time under Social Security (an additional nine years part time under social Security but under the substantial earnings amount). My Social Security will only be approximately $6,000 per year. Would the Social Security be subject to federal and state taxes?

Q. I worked for the U.S. Postal Service under CSRS for 17 years and resigned in 1988 to work in private industry. I left my contributions in the retirement fund. Several years later, I went to work for the Department of Veterans Affairs as a FERS employee. Can my time with USPS be used toward my retirement with the Department of Veterans Affairs?

Q. I am a federal firefighter under FERS. I have 25 years in position and will reach mandatory retirement age in 4.5 years. I want to stay with the federal program where I work. Is it legal for me to retire from the fire service and move to another government position here at the base where I am employed? If so, where is this in print, or under what regulation? I know in years past this was not allowed unless you came back as a contract employee.

Q. I am 51 and retired with 22 years with the Federal Bureau of Prisons. In our agency, we could retire at age 50 with 20 years of service or at any age with 25 years of service. Our maximum retirement age is 57. I thought I understood from retirement training that in our special circumstances, earnings rules did not apply until we reached age 57, or when we would have been forced to retire. In other words, after early but full eligibility retirement, we could work and we would not be penalized or limited with new income, in that…

Q. I am a carrier for the post office. I was hired as a career employee in 1998. I have been under FERS from the start. However, I also worked as a career employee for the post office between November 1978 and March 1984 under CSRS. I recently filled out Form 3108 to try and buy back those 5½ years toward my retirement. After such a long break in service, will I still remain under FERS, or will I be classified as a CSRS offset?

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