Q. I have been on disability retirement from the Postal Service since October 1988. I am 56 years old (57 in March) and would like to inquire as to my options to retire under MRA. Also, can I receive a ballpark estimate of how much I would get (monthly/yearly) and all other pertinent information? I believe that I read on the Office of Personnel Management’s Web page that it would be 1 percent of my high-3 income while at the post office, but I am not sure how to do this calculation. If this is an option for me to…
Browsing: discontinued service retirement
Q. I was a CSRS clerk who got injured off the job. I have 29½ years and am 53 years old. When I turn 55, can I convert to regular retirement? (I am currently on disability retirement.) And can I take an early-out if one is offered?
Q. I am a 50-year-old dual-status Air National Guard military technician under FERS. If I decline to enter into the Disability Evaluation System solely for a fitness determination, and am involuntarily separated for Physical Disqualification IAW AFI 36-3209, paragraph 3.14 for enlisted personnel, am I entitled to the special retirement supplement immediately if I retire under a discontinued service retirement with 24 years and four months of service, or will it begin at minimum retirement age (56 years for me)? If I enter into the DES and the time it takes to go through gets me over 25 years service…
Q. I have 18 years of federal service under FERS and am 51 years old. If my agency rates me unacceptable and removes me for inability to perform, would I be eligible for discontinued service retirement? Would my annuity be postponed until I reach an older age?
Q. I was off work for several months because for surgery on my arm. When I came back to work, I was put in the same job that I had. The problem is, I work in a shop and, because of my limits, I am unable to do my job. My unit has no other jobs that are open for me to do, so I told them I would take a discontinued service retirement. This started several months ago because they are going for a Voluntary Early Retirement Authority. The problem I see is that I was never offered another…
Q. What is the difference financially between discontinued service retirement and disability retirement? I am 55 with 25 years of service under FERS. My high-3 is as a GS11-07.
Q. I retired on FERS disability in 2009 at the age of 46 with 17 years of service. I applied for FERS and went on various leave until approved. When I was approved, my position was eliminated from the agency within my state. I had been given a direct reassignment, which I declined due to the nature of the duties (similar to what I was disabling on) and the distance for transfer (130 miles away). Plus, the position had additional duties of driving for two hours daily — a duty I could not do (This was known for years within the…
Q. I am a Postal Service employee in maintenance as an electrical technician. I have 23 years of service at age 56. Our office is going through an accelerated plant closing. I received a letter of involuntary reassignment (no date given) in May. There are no ET jobs within 50 miles of our office (limit on excessing under American Postal Workers Union contract). Under the contract, I can be forced into a lower-level job, (window clerk, city carrier, custodian) up to 50 miles away with saved grade and retreat rights. Can I qualify for a discontinued service retirement? If not, what do I need to…
Q. I am a FERS employee. I am 57 with 26 years of service. 1. Do I get annuity computation for sick leave? If so, how is it computed? 2. I was born in 1956. What is my minimum retirement age, and how much service should I have under the MRA? 3. What happens with my annual and sick leave when I retire? 4. When should I start preparing my paperwork for my retirement? 5. My agency is going through a reorganization. We have the options for early retirement, buyout, being reassigned to New York or Boston (I live in…
Q. I have been told by the Office of Personnel Management that if I postpone my retirement until age 60, I would be penalized for every year I am under 62 and will not be eligible for the special retirement supplement. I am 59½ with more than 28 years in the Postal Service. Our facility is consolidating, and our jobs are at stake. I am a clerk and do not want a carrier position because of my health. I plan on retiring in February to reach my 60th birthday. If I don’t accept a carrier position, can I: 1. Take…